Monday, October 13, 2014


We have been working VERY hard to build up our reading stamina during Read To Self time and last week we hit our target of 10 minutes! We even did it 2 days in a row. It was tough and some of the children were working SOOOO hard to not break stamina. I'm extremely proud of them for hitting the target in such a short amount of time. We only practiced 9 times before we read for 10 minutes.

So now we've talked about how we can make sure that we keep our stamina going. Our focus today was on "I Pick". Essentially this is a way for the students to choose their own books for their book box. The "I" - means I pick, not you! "P" is for purpose - why am I reading it? We talked about that some of the books are so they can get better at reading words, some are for fun, and some are for learning about new things. "i" is for interest- do I want to read this? "c" is for comprehension - do I understand what this book is about? "k" is for know - do I know most of the words?

The children will be self selecting books for their book boxes Monday and Tuesday and we will give it another try after the fall break.

Thank you to all the parents for coming to Parent Teacher conferences. I was thrilled to be able to share our expectations, and current data about your child. Please remember to think of a goal for your child and let me know as soon as possible so I can complete their Superhero sheets. I know my own personal goal is to not come to work over the fall break!

I hope that you have fun plans for the fall break. My children get to go to the cabin with their grandma and papa and I get to stay home.  Oddly enough I'm looking forward to it A LOT!

So I'd love to tell you all more about what we have been up to, but I'm going to finish parent teacher conferences tonight, get the newsletter done, get ready for tomorrow, and work on a presentation I need to give to the staff on Wednesday....

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